Welcome to CMC!

Welcome to College Mennonite Church! We're glad you're here.
Our team would love to get to know you, and for you to get to know us!
Be sure to scroll to all the way to the bottom for video links and more information!

Get to know us: 

Beginning in 2016, the members of College Mennonite made several decisions to go all in on outreach to the local Latino community. One of those decisions was to call Pastors David and Madeline Maldonado to leadership  among us. Since that time we have intentionally made this ministry a priority in how we use our time and financial resources.

When we made these decisions, even the best planning could not have prepared us for what is happening among us. These videos and pictures offer a glimpse into what God is doing through the power of the Holy Spirit. As people in leadership at CMC, we have a front row seat to the many ways CMCers bless and are blessed by this transforming work.

Not all of us are able to be a part of this ministry in the same way, but all of us are able to be a part of it in some way. We invite you to join what God is doing in whatever way God is calling you with a special gift to CMC’s Good News Fund, or through volunteer work.

Learn more: