Adult Sunday School

Adult Sunday School Classes

"Your word is a lamp to my feet
    and a light to my path." 
Psalm 119:105

Growing together in our walk of discipleship is an important part of being the church. Adult Sunday school classes often become a sort of small church within the larger church, providing care, nurture and support for each other in the faith journey. These groups follow many different formats, and while some are geared toward particular life stages, all groups are welcoming of people of any age.


While all are welcome, Horizons Sunday school group includes mostly empty nest Baby Boomers. Group discussions spring from their personal issues, or from perceived concerns about CMC, the wider church, or society, not from a uniform series. Occasionally the class will read a book or invite a presenter to class. The group is very informal and welcoming with a goal of enjoying their time together and leaving a little more refreshed, amused, and informed than when they arrived.


The Pathfinders welcomes visitors and participants of all ages. We attempt to provide a supportive setting for Bible study, discussion, mutual sharing and prayer. We use the Menno Media curriculum - “Salt and Light: Bible Study for Anabaptist Christians”. We also invite Pathfinders participants and others in the congregation to share life/faith stories or to present on a broad range of faith-related topics.


The Seekers Sunday School class includes many empty nest Baby Boomers. Class discussions include Bible study, special series, health care issues, book studies and more. The group also has social gatherings about once a month.


The Sojourners class is a welcoming Sunday school class with a variety of carefully planned, timely programs. These include Bible study, discussion of theological and ethical concerns, discussion of current affairs, and occasional social events. We often invite guest speakers. Our class is offered in hybrid format so we can include guest speakers and class members to join via Zoom or in person. Try us! 


Weavings is a welcoming and intergenerational class that appreciates a blend of formal and informal presentations and group discussions related to personal faith and the life of the church. We often invite outside speakers to address timely topics or to share their faith/life stories. We look for opportunities to take guided field trips, such as to the Good Library Gallery, the CMC Library and the Beck Memorial Garden. Our calendar includes annual repeat classes, such as recommending books and movies that enhance faith (and in December, we devote a class to sharing favorite Christmas cookies and traditions). We periodically extend our class beyond the noon hour, for a potluck. 

Growing Roots

A culturally and ethnically diverse Sunday school class, consisting mostly of young families and young adults, with a simple goal: to grow in Christ together. Growing Roots topics and events have included:
  • Building healthy family relationships
  • Celebrating seasons and holidays of the church year (Lent, Advent, Easter, Feast of Tabernacles…)
  • Equipping families to nurture faith at home
  • Reading Bible stories in sync with the children’s Sunday school curriculum and discussing their importance in daily life
  • Prayer practices
  • Dealing with death
  • Potlucks!
  • Making music together


Young Adults

An open and affirming group of people exploring the integration of faith, life and relationships. The class is informal and intergenerational. Class time is spent in discussion around a topic brought by one of the class members.
The Young Adult Sunday school class geared toward people in their 20's and 30’s. The goal of the group is to
build community with peers in the context of church.